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Stefano Giorgi: "The virtue of physical stores is to offer physical contact with goods and people"
Aug 27, 2023

I have developped a very large experience during my jobs:
after getting a technical degree in electronics enginnering I started working for a huge worldwide automotive company: then I received great experience and huge growth in the commercial field of another worldwide company, leader in manufacturing compressors and other technical machines
I then moved to a very difficult technical reality, a builder of die casting machines.
I changed then completely area: I challenged the real estate management starting with an indoor outlet, owned by a huge britain fund; then I moved to probably the main huge italian shopping center, with the aim to improve suppliers relationship and activities to be customized and suitable for an important site as Oriocenter.
I have then managed of real estate properties, owned by banks for some years.
In 2015 I run for 6 months the shopping management in Antegnate and later on I was back in Oriocenter with many different tasks: property, marketing, retail.
I have a constant daily contact with the German fund, which is the owner of Oriocenter site; I am as well responsable of the relantionship between property and management.

Specializzazioni: Real Estate Management and previously Sales and Marketing BtoB
