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3 Things Marketers Can Do Faster With Generative AI

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3 New Ways Marketing Cloud Helps You Succeed With AI
3 Things Marketers Can Do Faster With Generative AI

Executive leader in product strategy, marketing, and innovation with 20+ years in growing technology companies from startup through IPO, to multiple billion dollars in recurring annual revenue.

A leader in product and customer experience strategy, having helped define and led the creation of the Marketing Cloud and Experience Cloud categories. Part of the management team that integrated more than $8 Billion in acquisitions and redefined an industry, delivering leader category status with Forrester & Gartner, and growing the business to more than $3Billion in annual revenue, with continued growth that outpaces the market and competition.

Excellent communicator and frequent speaker at large international events including leading the product presentations and technical content for keynotes at Adobe Summits and symposia in the US, EMEA, and APAC. Developer and host of the crowd favorite Adobe Sneaks session - showcasing the latest technologies to crowds of up to 17,000 with celebrity co-hosts.

Executive level leadership in product with teams including Product Management, Product Marketing, Customer Success, Technical Marketing, Evangelism, and Customer Enablement & Experience. Inventor of patented solution for optimizing interactive marketing.

Experienced in multi-million dollar sales and marketing. Customer presentations, sales negotiations, prospect introductions, product marketing, lead generation, closing, management of proof of concepts, case studies, innovative strategy and solutions.

Experienced leader in cross organizational management. Part of key management team integrating more than a dozen acquisitions, including international integrations across the US, EMEA, and APAC.
