Steven Kelly

Steven Kelly

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Most businesses never analyze their sales funnels! Here's how to do it

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Most businesses never analyze their sales funnels! Here's how to do it
Optimize your ecommerce site before the high-traffic holiday season
How to find (and fix) website bugs fast: your ultimate strategy for 2023
Ask Hotjar: 1000+ AI-generated content pieces per MONTH?!?

In brief, I’m good with words, images, and new technologies. Sounds easy? Well, if you’ve ever worked in editorial teams, you’ll know that there can be an enormous (and potentially damaging) lack of connection between writers, designers of all persuasions (web, digital, product, graphic, etc.), and developers. Bridge that gap and you end up with quality marketing products that speak to your audience and reflect your business. Fail to bridge the gap and – well, you get the idea.

Maybe my knack for visual wordsmithing derives from my equal love of both books AND movies or perhaps it’s just my way of compensating for growing up in a drab and uninspiring post-industrial town. For you, the origin doesn't really matter. The end result is that I now thrive on producing ambitious and creative marketing communications materials (and doing so in beautiful surroundings!).

The ability to converse fluently in the copy, design, and tech spheres, means that storyboarding scripts, managing video production and strategy, producing multimedia-infused long-form, and doing content design for websites all come particularly easily.

If I've stoked your curiosity, DM me and we'll go from there. Oh, and I have a long-standing personal and professional commitment to sustainability and an almost obsessive interest in Russia – just warning you in advance :p
