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360 Profit Masters Generates Promising New Leads with the Help of the ZINFI Partner Portal and ZINFI's Partner Marketing Concierge Service
Apr 16, 2019
Case Study

Building collective entrepreneurial dynamic capabilities that support transformative learning leads to faster, cleaner decision-making throughout networks. This means in between individuals, departments, organizations, ecosystems, and communities.

The drains on untapped value in co-creative potential is being wasted every day in muddled, confusing, and ambiguous conversations followed by ill-formed agreements and commitments. Making negotiation affordances easier to design, model, and make accessible opens up space for collective sensemaking.

I conduct learning sessions with individuals and groups to discover how they do what they already do well and support awareness of how affordances in negotiations can be draining value and how to design more inclusive dynamic models for cooperating, collaborating and coordinating work both within and though their networks.

I offer a portfolio of unique training programs and can co-facilitate productive dialogue using a host of well-vetted frameworks including but not limited to;
Symbolic Modeling
Clean Space *
Wardley Mapping *
Platform Design ToolKit *
Ecosystem Mapping *
Value (Outcome) Mapping *
Affordance Mapping
Humanitarian Negotiation Grid
Business Model Canvas
Milky Way for EA *

* Co-facilitation with well-vetted Partner Network

Engagement profiles:

Short and Long-term consulting/coaching/training packages for Individuals, entrepreneurial firms (start-ups and small teams) and communities.

To discuss needs and explore more, book a meeting with me at

I lead weekly open science Labs exploring Resilience and Negotiation Affordances through the lens of the Active Inference framework.

Look for announcements about free training sessions open to the public beginning in Feb 2024.

DM me if you have an interest in learning more.

case study