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The complete guide to choosing the best learning management system for your business
Jun 26, 2024

Adobe's learning platform. Some of my interesting adventures so far have been
- Rebranding and launching Adobe Learning Manager and integrating the offering as a part of the Experience Cloud business. I also look after everything market research, thought leadership and analyst relations here
- Managing field marketing for South Asia for Turnitin, a market-leader in the academic integrity space
- Creating an EdTech Services and Product vertical in the corporate learning space (from scratch! Yep, my zero to one achievement is here.)
- Managing partnerships and alliances at a large scale - for India and US
- Working on media marketing in the B2C space
- Trying my hand at a startup to come back with invaluable learnings (Did it tank? Yes it did! But it taught me the methods of building successful business verticals.)
- Working on media solutions across radio and print (with a peppering of television)
- Working on brand campaigns for FMCG, Media, Retail, Fintech and several other industries
- Marketing tobacco brands.
- Designing several courses as an Instructional Designer for leading consulting firms, telecom, etc.
- Project managing end to end learning projects.
- Working with several social sector agencies such as Unicef, Care and others to work on social communication projects pertaining to health, disaster preparedness and microfinance.

Some of these learnings have been summarised in articles that are present in the 'Featured' section.

I'm kicked about the potential that AI provides and the way it permeates every part of our lives, which is why I also volunteer at the Must Research Club, a data science community in decoding business and societal problems that can work as use cases for my peers to experiment with.

You can connect with me here or check out the contacts section for the coordinates. I'm open to networking.
