Teresa Comi Sansa

Teresa Comi Sansa

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Creating a Bestselling Product While Spending $0 On Marketing

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Creating a Bestselling Product While Spending $0 On Marketing

Hi! I'm Teresa, a Product Consultant and Business Designer creating products that really connect with customers. I love guiding companies and entrepreneurs to create better products, services and experiences and I believe new ideas do change the world.

My magic recipe involves two ingredients: testing testing testing (yes, triple testing!) and knowing your customers inside out. Testing will help you solve your main challenges fast, knowing your customers will guide your daily decisions.

Work with me to build a unique solution that creates a connection with your customers. Through careful business design we will conceive an engaging value proposition, prototype your offer, validate your revenue model, sales channel, or business idea.

I use tools like Design Sprints, prototyping, ethnographic interviews and customer journey mapping, depending on what you need.

Learn more about me here: www.teresacomi.com

Looking forward to meeting you!
