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How DC Coaching added over $250,000 in annualized income using ActiveCampaign and Salesmsg
Oct 20, 2023
Case Study

Unclear where your next customers are coming from?

Exhausted from the sight of an empty pipeline?

Seeking a more systematic approach to marketing your business?

(keep reading)

I’ve been in your position myself, a couple times.

First when I became a mortgage loan officer.

Second, when I was hired to lead up and build a new SaaS portion of a coaching company.

Thinking all I had to do was “work my network” and the deals would fall in my lap.

(In a nutshell, the network quickly dried up, leaving me struggling to make ends meet and pay the bills)

Good news is a few years later I have solved the lead generation problem. I no longer bother and rely my “network”

The point? Trust me when I tell you there is a better way.

If you are a small business owner, mortgage loan officer, real estate agent or solar profession, and you are

❌ Tired of harassing your personal network for leads (no one wants to work with a spammer)

❌ Sick of “begging” for referrals and introductions (everyone knows what “getting coffee” really means)

❌ Looking for a more predictable way to generate new business and take care of current customers (and stop losing deals to competitors who are not as good as you)

I have a solution that will bring an end to your suffering, once and for all.

It’s called Remedy 1 the R4 Marketing System.

When you harness the R4 Marketing System for your business, you will:

âś… Never worry where your next customer is coming from because you have a pipeline full of leads waiting to do business with you

âś… Be seen as a recognized leader in your market (so when it comes to you vs the competition, the customer feels way more comfortable with you)

âś… Be your customers top of mind business so they will think of you first when they or family need something in your market

In case you think I’m full of it, here’s what a few clients have to say:

“I highly recommend Remedy for an efficient and simple solution to scale any business!” - Shane Rafferty, Owner of The Solar Surfer

“I highly recommend working with Remedy for any of your marketing needs!” - Brenda Stifter, Senior Loan Officer

“I have experienced significant positive transformations, and I highly recommend this services to anyone seeking outstanding marketing solutions.” - Stacy Skaggs, Loan Officer Support

Curious to learn more?

Everything you need to know is right here:

P.S. If you're ready to take action, book a complimentary call and we’ll get crystal clear on how you can systemize your marketing and increase sales in the next 90 days or less:

case study