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Podcast Episode #33 – Create Your Digital Influencer Twin | Trejon Edmonds – Engage360
Feb 27, 2024
Podcast Episode

So, picture this: I'm in my senior year – working three jobs for a degree I'm not sure I need (communications hahaha) – and a bank account screaming for help.

Student loans? Yep, had those too.

Then came the door-to-door sales gig. 😮‍💨 ! While everyone was cashing unemployment checks, there I was, knocking on doors, working 70+ hour weeks.

Tough? Absolutely. Did I cry? Sometimes. But it was an incredible learning opportunityI

Next stop? Corporate sales. But let's be real – it felt like my soul was on a slow drain. It just wasn't me. So, I did what any sane person in my shoes would do – I quit.

I packed my bags and set off to see more of the world. I found myself building houses out of the coolest stuff – adobe, straw-bale, cob, you name it. Hard work, but totally thrilling.

Here's the kicker – I couldn't stop talking about it. People were genuinely interested in what I was doing! That's when it clicked. My favorite part of sales? The people, the stories, the connections.

So, I started thinking. What's super interesting and valuable that I can't shut up about? Enter stage left: AI. It was like finding the missing piece of my puzzle.

Fast-forward through a few more stumbling blocks, countless sleepless nights, and a ton of time spent with my new best friend.

I worked with owners to grow their businesses for so long (lead generation, sales calls, service delivery, customer support), I decided it was time to build my own systems.

Now, here I am. On a mission to make AI simple and accessible. I'm all about helping business owners make more, work less, and have time to enjoy life. That's the dream, right?

If you're into the possibilities with AI, or just want to chat about life's journey hit me up. Let's make some cool stuff happen together.

Here I am – you know where to reach me. Working smarter and harder and always on the lookout for the next big thing. 👍🌟

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