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Running an Airbnb Side Hustle
Sep 22, 2023
Podcast Episode
Distribution of Content at Scale Reimagined
Apr 19, 2023
Case Study

Through building and executing digital marketing plans for both content marketing clients and tech startups, I’ve driven content and campaigns that engage audiences and inspire them to act.

I believe business interactions should use the same voice that two friends would use in everyday conversation. This means abandoning most jargon and overused, robotic-sounding bullet points in favor of telling real yet concise stories using crazy words like "you" and "we" and (gasp!) "I".

I love exploring the many corners of the Midwest with my wife, Whitney, absorbing the latest content marketing hacks through a long list of eCourses, blogs, and podcasts, and spending an embarrassing amount of time researching every move on my Fantasy Football team.

In Milwaukee? Connect with me and lets grab a coffee or a beer sometime — I'm buying!

case study
podcast episode