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Under the direction of CEO and Founder, Vince Ricci, Hubble Studio continues to be at the heart of all things creative as they produce the perfect environment to nurture artistic vision. Since its conception in 2014, Hubble Studio continues to be an indispensable part of fashion, photography, casting, videography, media publishing, and cosmetics depicting present culture as it is now, so that we may have the visual representation to look back on in the future. Hubble Studio has been home to many creatives and has established itself not only as the true destination for creating, but an all-encompassing brand focused on creative forward-thinking and storytelling.

With his innate entrepreneur spirit and appreciation, Bronx-born Ricci guides not only Hubble Studio but also its sister companies Hubble Clothing and Hubble Agency, and into known culture powerhouses uplifting today’s community of artists.