Tyler Wade

Tyler Wade

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8 Must-Have Content Types for PLG Companies Investing in SEO [+184 SaaS Marketers Told Us Which They'd Build First]

I reversed my way into content marketing.

As a kid, I thought "There's no money in writing." So, I pursued music (the irony) and launched a podcast (before anyone knew how to access them) to promote my indie website to compete against Myspace's rise to prominence. #fail

Then, a friend asked, "Hey, you know how to make videos, right?" So, I wrote a script, ran the shoot day, and edited his corporate video which landed me many more video gigs, only something didn't feel right and I wanted out. So, while staring at my newly minted social media marketing certification from the exam I had just passed, I got a call from a friend, "Hey, you do social media, right?" ...well, as a matter of fact...

Everything begins with the written word - from this about me to podcasting, video scripting, to social media captions. My focus is on writing great copy that is persuasive, engaging, and can change minds, beliefs, and attitudes. Writing should be valuable, it should not waste your reader's attention nor their precious time. As a writer, I have to be grateful for the eyes that move from the headline to the subhead, from the first line and to the next, pulling on the thread until they reach the end and have an emotional response to alter their position or buy a product.

Now, I'm reverse-engineering the writing. It's not about which channel to be on, it's how you represent yourself on that channel. Good content doesn't rank. Outstanding f*cking content ranks. SEO isn't dead, but it's not your only channel. If content is king, distribution is the prince heralding a new generation. Steven Pressfield says, "Nobody wants to read your sh*t", so it's important you find the people who do. And when you do, write for them.
