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Owning Your Journey with Wendy Sachs
Sep 11, 2023
Podcast Episode

Wendy has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to supporting families with extraordinary caregivers for more than 35 years. As an industry leader, she has been widely recognized as an innovator who has developed the highest standards for recruiting, screening and hiring the best nannies and household helpers. Sachs is a nationally recognized expert on in-home child care and has given more than 500 interviews to network television, national magazines and leading newspapers during her career. She has appeared on national newscasts from NBC, CNBC and CNN, including the Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her agency, Philadelphia Nanny Network, is the premier resource for hiring household help in Greater Philadelphia, NJ, DE, and temp care in NYC, Albany, and Buffalo as well as the primary provider of Corporate Back Up Child Care in those locations. She has continued to evolve the work/life agenda by growing the Corporate Sponsored Backup Care benefit. From the on start of the pandemic, she co-founded the One to One Consortium to address Backup Care Benefit needs for Essential Industry's employees. Out of that grew the School@Home and Camp@Home programs for safe, fun child care options during the everchanging practicums of 2020.

As an industry consultant, she has advised and mentored entrepreneurs who are new in the care business as well as seasoned domestic staffing agency owners. She continues to dedicate her time and resources to refining screening processes that remain at the vanguard of the industry. A mother of two adult children, she is a veteran nanny employer.

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