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See how Just Mind Counseling qualifies new leads, streamlines scheduling, and cuts admin costs in half
Oct 20, 2023

William Schroeder is a co-owner and counselor at Just Mind Counseling, a counseling center in Austin, Texas, that offers high-quality and personalized services for clients with various needs and goals. He is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and a nationally certified counselor (NCC) with over 16 years of experience in the field of mental health and wellness.

William specializes in working with clients on issues such as loss, life transition, relationship strategies, depression, career coaching, LGBT, Autism, ADHD, trauma, and EMDR. He also leads a team of over 45 therapists and staff who share his vision of helping clients come to a better understanding of what they need to find individual happiness. William and Just Mind have been featured in several media outlets, including The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Readers Digest, and Business Insider, for their expertise and impact. William is passionate about creating a positive and supportive environment for both clients and therapists, and he is a member of Texas Association of Business on the healthcare committee.
