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#388: A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into The Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Live By - Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert
Podcast Episode
#362: How To Write Emails That Actually Get Opened with Zafira Rajan
#358: Your Backstage Pass To The Entrepreneur Experience: The Best Advice You'll Receive This Year
Podcast Episode

Zafira is the founder of Zafira Rajan, Inc., a branding strategy and copywriting consultancy for conscious coaches, health, wellness and lifestyle entrepreneurs. She supports her clients in the elevation and creation of their brands through personality-driven conversion copy that brings their vision to life, and impacts positive change on their audience. Her mission is to hone in on their natural gifts and abilities, give them the voice they're struggling to find within, and challenge their creative boundaries. She lights up helping them launch their next big thing with brand clarity!

Zafira is best known for her ability to give clients the words they couldn't find, and making the entire collaborative process of working together fun, easy and a total delight.

► Zafira's signature services include:

Transform expiring web copy into fresh conversions.

- 90-minute live video web copy, user experience & design audit
- Copy brainstorming on the spot to take your words from 0 to 100

Shed the branding skin that doesn't reflect your true self.

- Comprehensive brand messaging strategy to help you gain clarity on what makes YOU unique
- Includes brand voice, values, vision, story, promise, process, website taglines, USP, social media profile bios, audience personas, elevator pitch & more

Watch sales roll in for your launch - while you're at the spa.

- Take the stress out of your next product or service launch with a communications strategy to stay on track, customer research and interviews + a full suite of launch copy
- Includes opt in page, sales page copy, blog posts, email sequences, graphics + special bonuses

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