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Breaking Through the Concrete Ceiling with Zee Clarke
Oct 12, 2023
Podcast Episode

Order my book, Black People Breathe:

I’m a Harvard MBA that went from leading teams at large fortune 500 companies and startups in Silicon Valley to teaching mindfulness and breathwork to people of color. Why?

Microaggressions in the workplace are real. As a Black woman in corporate America, I used to think that the resulting high stress levels and stress related health conditions were a baseline requirement if I wanted to remain employed. And then I found mindfulness.

Trained in India, I realized that mindfulness and breathwork were much more impactful in the context of work rather than the confines of the yoga studio. When someone would say something offensive to me at work, I used a breathing technique to calm my nervous system so that I wouldn’t be triggered. When I was overwhelmed with anxiety and imposter syndrome, I used specific mindfulness practices to build up my confidence and optimize my performance at work.

Today, Employee Resource Groups and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion teams at companies like Google, HSBC, and Deloitte, are driving employee retention and well-being for their teams with my workshops including:

- Mindfulness to Heal from Microaggressions at Work
- Countering Imposter Syndrome with Courage
- Mindfulness around Seeking Sponsors & Mentors
- Rejuvenation from Black Fatigue
- Mindfulness & Self Care
- Managing Stress
- Building Up the Courage to Ask… (promotions, raises, etc)
- and more!

I also educate allies on the challenges that BIPOC communities face with a powerful talk packed with both facts and resiliency tools during Black History Month, Junteenth, and other key milestones throughout the year.

Note that workshops can be tailored for additional communities (women, LGBTQIA+, DEI Practitioners, and more).

Want to book me as a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator at your company?
Send me a note here:

Learn more:

Want some instant stress-relief?

Attend a Restorative Sound Bath:

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Mindfulness Specialty Areas:
Breathwork | Meditation | Yoga | Reiki | Sound Healing |

Professional Experience:
Digital Transformation | General Management | Product Management | Business Intelligence | Marketing | Enterprise Sales | Business Development | Management Consulting

podcast episode