How To Think About, Set & Track Product Metrics (Plus The Biggest Pitfalls To Avoid) with Reforge's Dan Wolchonok
Associated with
Matt Bilotti Matt Bilotti
Daniel Wolchonok Daniel Wolchonok
1 min read
How To Think About, Set & Track Product Metrics (Plus The Biggest Pitfalls To Avoid) with Reforge's Dan Wolchonok

Looking to become a data-driven organization? Well, there's no silver bullet, but there are definitely some tricks that Dan Wolchonok, Head of Product and Analytics at Reforge, has picked up along the way. Before joining Reforge (an e-learning company that provides growth masterclasses for product and marketing pros), Dan was a founding member of HubSpot's sales product growth team, and later went on to form the company's product analytics team.

On today's episode of Growth, Matt throws his toughest data questions at Dan. They talk about how to approach historical data and data tracking, how to pick reporting tools, and who should own analytics. Then Matt and Dan go deeper and talk through the thing that separates the top one percent of the companies from the rest – good retention. To hear what Dan has to say about retention curves (and the best way to analyze them), listen to the full episode.