B2B Category Creators Episode 13: Shawn Riegsecker and Robb Henshaw
Associated with
Gil Allouche Gil Allouche
Shawn Riegsecker Shawn Riegsecker
Robb Henshaw Robb Henshaw
B2B Category Creators Episode 13: Shawn Riegsecker and Robb Henshaw

In our 13th episode, Gil talks about category creation with two B2B leaders who have influenced the media automation and virtual application delivery categories.

Panelists for this episode include Shawn Riegsecker, CEO of Centro and one of the creators of the media automation category, and Robb Henshaw, CMO of Cameyo and one of the influencers behind the virtual application delivery category.

You'll walk away from this episode with an understanding of how to improve your brand positioning, customer relationships, and hiring process.

BONUS! Shawn explains why he spent five years rebuilding his company from scratch after its initial launch.