Booking more outbound meetings with slapping
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Florin Tatulea Florin Tatulea
1 min read
Booking more outbound meetings with slapping

In today's episode our guest Florin Tatulea, Director of Sales @ Barley) shares these 4 tips in sales
1. Segment your sequences between above and below-the-line decision-makers.
2. Permission Slap: Ask for permission to give valuable information. e.g. Can I send you a 90-second video so I can show how you might get a sense of what win rates look like in RFPs?
3. Look for keywords in the investor day transcript or the 10-K, then attach those to the messaging you use above the line.
Prospect in bursts. Voicemails and social touches power email reply even if you don't get a reply on that channel.

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