When & How to Make Your First Growth Hire (With Drift's Guillaume Cabane)
Associated with
Matt Bilotti Matt Bilotti
Guillaume Cabane Guillaume Cabane
1 min read
When & How to Make Your First Growth Hire (With Drift's Guillaume Cabane)

On today's episode of #Growth, host Matt Bilotti and Drift's VP of Growth, Guillaume Cabane, answer the million dollar question – when to make your first growth hire (and how). Here are a few hints: Make sure you've found product-market fit, a proven way for people to buy your product and a true customer base.

Growth teams are the most effective when they're able to reduce friction in your acquisition funnel. If there's no funnel...you don't need a growth person. So before even making your first hire, be sure to establish demand and educate the market about your offering.

Also in this episode – how growth teams should communicate with other areas of the business, setting up feedback loops, goal sharing and more.