The Right Way To Roadmap With ProdPad CEO & Co-Founder Janna Bastow
Associated with
Janna Bastow Janna Bastow
Maggie Crowley Maggie Crowley
The Right Way To Roadmap With ProdPad CEO & Co-Founder Janna Bastow

We know that time-based roadmaps never seem to work. But product teams still need a way to plan, coordinate, and share what they're working on both internally and externally. Enter Janna Bastow, the CEO and Co-Founder of ProdPad, who has gone on a long journey to the promised land of roadmaps. In this episode, Maggie learns from Janna the right way to think about roadmaps, how they're actually a tool for prototyping strategy, and how to get out from under the tyranny of the Gantt chart.