B2B Category Creators Episode 8: James McDermott and Mickey Alon
Associated with
James McDermott James McDermott
Gil Allouche Gil Allouche
Mickey Alon Mickey Alon
B2B Category Creators Episode 8: James McDermott and Mickey Alon

In our eighth episode, Gil Allouche talks category creation with two B2B pioneers who changed the game when it comes to the Customer Data Platform (CDP) category, and product-led growth approach. Panelists for this episode include James McDermott, CEO of Lytics and creator of the CDP category, and Mickey Alon, CTO of Gainsight PX and influential in the Product-Led Growth movement.

You'll walk away from this episode with an understanding of the the pros and cons of category disruption vs category creation, why most companies don't survive to the ten-year mark, and how to avoid common early mistakes when finding an investor.

BONUS! James tells Gil about a time during fundraising when his rental car got towed and he had to run clear across downtown SF to make his next pitch! It was the worst impression he had ever made on a potential investor, but he was still able to convince them to believe enough to invest!