Udi Ledergor, CMO, Gong
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Udi Ledergor Udi Ledergor
Udi Ledergor, CMO, Gong

Udi Ledergor is CMO at Gong. We discuss:

What is your role?

What does your company do?

What is the company's marketing strategy?

What is the handoff between marketing and sales?

What are the marketing channels you're using today?

What metrics do you report on?

How many people are on your team?

Who are your direct reports?

What regular "rhythms" do you have as a marketing leader?

What is your marketing budget?

Do you have marketing goals?

What are the biggest marketing challenges you have?

Do you work with any agencies? If so who?

What tools are you using? What is your martech stack?

If you had one wish and could solve any one marketing problem, what would it be?

How do you explain to your family what you do?

What one other marketing leader should we have on?