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Career Development Beyond the Manager Path with Dr. Bev Kaye
Apr 16, 2024
Podcast Episode

Dr. Beverly Kaye has been a mainstay in the world of career development and talent retention for more than 30 years. Internationally known and professionally recognized as a best-selling author, speaker and thought leader, Bev has earned the esteem of colleagues, the trust of international business clients and an enviable reputation within the learning and performance development industry.

While grateful to be recognized as a “thought leader,” Bev’s personal priority has always been to help others turn that thought into action. She achieves this through focused 1-on-1s, “fireside chats,” JIT videos, conversation starters, webinars online tips and tools, and of course her books:

- The Wall Street Journal bestseller, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, offers 26 strategies for engaging and retaining key talent.

- Love It Don’t Leave It coaches individuals how to take responsibility for their own satisfaction.

- Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss introduces the concept of “stay interviews” for at risk talent as a means of avoiding “exit interviews.”

- Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go gives overwhelmed managers a way to blend career conversations into their everyday routine.

- Up is Not the Only Way suggests valuable alternatives to climbing the traditional career ladder.
These resources along with Bev’s professional tenets and tenure, make her a remarkable and timely resource for managers, particularly those hoping to foil or forestall the current Great Resignation.

podcast episode