Emily Wilkes

Emily Wilkes

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3 Powerful Event Types for Driving Revenue - Kate Hammitt's Nearbound Session
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3 Powerful Event Types for Driving Revenue – Kate Hammitt's Nearbound Session
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Mastering the Event-Led Growth Playbook | Splash Webinars
3 Powerful Event Types for Driving Revenue - Kate Hammitt's Nearbound Session
Podcast Episode

I'm a field marketing leader and events curator fueled by the desire to create experiences that connect brands to the people who matter most to them. My marketing experience spans everything from a Fortune 500 company to Series A start-ups and pretty much everything in between. I've built field marketing programs and teams 4x from the ground up and have a playbook to prove it. My industry leading creativity, data-driven mindset, sense of humor and human-first leadership -- paired with meticulous focus on team execution, monitoring, and reporting is my secret sauce for success. I understand how to measure the B2B SaaS sales cycle from both the marketing and sales lenses and am eager to deploy my tried and true best practices to generate pipeline and accelerate deals.

Colleagues and friends would describe me as a creative cheerleader, problem solver and a natural-born leader. I'm not afraid of ambiguity or continuous change. I'm a food connoisseur, news junkie, trend admirer, Instagram enthusiast, pop culture observer and extreme lover of beautiful packaging materials.

Specialties: B2B marketing, SaaS, demand generation, event management, human-first leadership, event strategy, field marketing, direct mail, ABM strategy, creative thinking, pipeline generation and deal acceleration.

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