Erin Leonard

Erin Leonard

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Sequence Strategy Lab - GTMnow
How to give unforgettable sales demos every time
The Sales Hacker Labs: Sequence Strategy Workshop
How To Give Unforgettable Sales Demos EVERY time - GTMnow

Hi! I’m Erin. I find joy in education, exploration, business and most importantly, people. I believe in working for an organization in which I thrive. I grew up in leadership, found my way into the creative industry, and now work in tech by way of earning my MBA.

I feel most comfortable in a leadership role and always have. My strengths lie in visionary thinking and high-level problem solving. I love working individually, but flourish in team settings. I am an effective delegator, especially when working with people who are driven by a common goal. I can handle big challenges and can bring people along with the big vision to make major change happen. I seek roles where my core strengths are utilized consistently.

I'm a Boston native with roots in San Diego. I love connecting others, experiencing new cultures and adventuring in the city I’m in.

Strengths Finder: Strategic, Maximizer, Individualization, Communication, and Positivity
The Predictive Index: Persuader
