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Scaling Up: Revenue Maximization, Client Win-Back, and Synergy
May 19, 2023

I joined Selligence in its BETA period as the first client-facing employee and sixth in the overall business.

Initially, I worked closely with our Technology and Research teams to ensure we found product market fit through constant feedback-led iterations.

Since our succesful launch into monetisation in 2019, I have worked as an individual contrbutor within the sales function, achieving the top global performer award two-years running and subsequently transitioned into a managerial position.

Wanting to take a longer-term and more consultative approach with our growing client portfolio, I now head up our Growth and Strategy team, with the focus on helping business leaders to undertake a more data driven sales methodology to improve profitability and drive efficiency within their organisations.

I'm currently hiring into our Tampa office, drop me a message if you're interested in joining a fast-growing team in a fast-growing market.
