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How Blockchain Will Help Create the Supply Chain of the Future

Opening Minds to What's Next
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Corporate Financial Executive, Software Company Executive, Innovation and Change Management Consultant, Author, and Speaker.

Jack Shaw integrates his executive experience in industry, technology, and consulting to speak on Technology Enabled Innovation, Change Management, and Transformational Leadership.

Jack has over 30 years’ experience helping leaders transform their organizations’ digital ecosystems amid new waves of technology. A Global Thought Leader, he was voted one of the World’s Top 25 Speakers and one of the Top Five Technology Futurists in polls conducted by

Jack keeps a pulse on shifts in technology, providing him the foresight to help industry leaders understand how such emerging technologies as AI, Blockchain, IoT, and others will impact their digital ecosystem – and how these technologies are practically applied both today and tomorrow. Having a sensible, practical approach to how tomorrow’s new technologies will drive change and spur innovation, Jack has advised key decision-makers at such Fortune 500 organizations as Mercedes Benz, Bosch, GE, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Oracle, and SAP.

Throughout his reports, books, and talks, Jack encourages a new level of thinking on the possibilities of emerging technologies that cuts through the noise and speaks from a relatable point of view that engages, inspires and informs.

Jack has delivered more than 1,000 keynote discussions and executive forums in 26 countries and every state within the U.S. He is respected as the world’s leading professional speaker on the constant developments in Blockchain and how it impacts businesses - conducting over 60 engagements in 12 countries on this topic.

He is a Yale University graduate with a Kellogg MBA specializing in Finance and Marketing.
