I'm a passion driven person on a mission to build new paradigms for humans founded on curiosity, creativity, wholeness, empowerment, and aliveness.
What does that look like?
At Career Hackers we are showing the world that you can be your own credential, to be a 21st century, unstoppable value creator, and to discover and do what makes you come alive.
Be an artist, not a cog-in-a-wheel.
No degree needed.
No resume needed.
No permission needed.
You have the power and potential to learn new skills, build social capital, create a portfolio, and pitch your way in to any professional opportunity to which you set your mind.
This is a mindset shift above all else.
That means letting go of the follow-the-rules mentality you most certainly learned in school. For you are not here to live up to anyone else's expectations.
In addition to revolutionary content creation, through a revolutionary method in my coaching via Human Liberation, I quickly and permanently remove subconscious, conditioned beliefs that hold you back, keep you stuck, and keep your inner chatter loop going.
Those voices can be gone, forever.
New paradigms are emerging, now. As the world catches up and lets go of the 20th century conformity mindset, and moves into the 21st century creativity mindset, we are birthing a world where "work" is no longer a four-letter word, but a joyful opportunity for self-expression, fulfillment, and win-win relationships.
500+ issues of Daily Job Hunt newsletter (125K subscribers)
500+ blog posts
100+ podcasts
In the career and education space, I've had the joy of interviewing thought leaders like Derek Sivers, Taylor Pearson, Michael Strong, Kerri Twigg, Julia Korn, Gorick Ng, Madeline Mann, Corey Haines, Lindsay Mustain, and Charlie Hoehn.