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Why You Shouldn't Use ROI to Understand Marketing Value
Dec 18, 2020

Hi. I'm JP Castlin. Let's move on, shall we?

The expectation, of course, is that this should turn into yet another one of those pages on which people speak too highly of themselves in tired clichés. But, if we are to be honest with one another, chances are that you might know who I am, given that you are here.

If you do not, the short version is that I am an independent [primarily strategic management] consultant who also happens to be the person who created the ABCDE framework. I work with, write about, speak on, audit and teach strategy, mainly for multinational organizations, scale-ups and challengers looking to accelerate profitable growth and/or improve their ability to adapt. At the moment, eCommerce and fintech are my main areas of focus, though I have broad experience from numerous sectors. Yes, I am old.

Longer written work can be seen in “Strategy in Polemy” (popularly known as “The Castlin Manifesto”, 2021) and two upcoming books on strategic management in modern complexity - one being heavy on the strategic bit, and the other on the management bit. Regular written work can be seen in MarketingWeek, irregular written work can be seen in WARC, and previous contributions can be seen in the IPA's EffectivenessWorks, The Drum, and a smattering of other outlets.

Every now and again I also show up on TV and in newspapers as a business analyst or so-called industry expert.

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