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Senior Mobile Delivery Manager @ Belk: Matt Hudson – How to Win in the Changing World of Retail
Feb 17, 2021
Podcast Episode

I'm the Architect of the Belk app and mobile app e-commerce consultant. My purpose is to bild great products and bild great people.

I’ve had the privilege of featured at Facebook's F8 Conference. Check out the link below. I was also featured on MSNBC talking about mobile influence in politics for my app VoteRockIt.

I'm currently reading "Make Your Bed.”

Books I just finished: “Your Mind is What Matters” by Ivy Chin, “Good to Great”, "Albert Einstein", "Learning React Native", "Street Smarts", "Pro Objective-C Design Patterns", and "The 8th Habit", "The Hard Thing about Hard Things", "Predictable Revenue", "The 5 elements of critical thinking", "The Intelligent Entrepreneur", "Blink", "The Icarus Deception", Give and Take", "Steve Jobs", "Outliers", "How to Win Friends and Influence People", "The Social Animal", "O'Reilly iOS 4 Programming", "Principle Centered Leadership","Getting Things Done", "The Millionaire Mind", "Speak like Churchill, Stand like Lincoln."

Specialties: Demandware/Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Product Management, Delivery, React Native with Redux, Swift, Objective-C, Moovweb, Xcode, Android Studio, C#, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, VB.NET, Native iPhone Applications, iPhone Web Sites, Web Application Development, Digital Contract Signing, and Forms Management.

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