Noz Urbina

Noz Urbina

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Find the Smartest People in the Room
Podcast Episode

Our mission:
We help brands have the kind of relationships with people that people have with each other, both directly via Urbina Consulting's client work, and as community facilitators with

About me:
Noz Urbina is a globally recognised leader in the field of content strategy and customer experience consultancy who can effectively bridge organisational and user goals. He’s well known as a pioneer in customer journey mapping and adaptive content modelling for delivering personalised, contextually relevant content experiences in an omnichannel environment. He is co-author of the book “Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits” and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Masters Programme in content strategy.

He has coached teams, developed processes and spearheaded solutions that have helped some of the world’s largest organisations leverage their content assets to stand out in their sectors while avoiding headcount increases and wasted costs. After 14 years in the content world, in 2013 he founded his consultancy: Urbina Consulting. Clients include Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, Barclays Bank, Microsoft, ICA Retail Foods, Lloyds Register, and many more.

Specialities: Content Strategy, Adaptive Content Modelling, Project Planning and Scoping, Structured Content, CCMS consultancy, training, presales, management-level presentations, high-tech product demonstration and evangelism.

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