Paras Kela

Paras Kela

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How to Drive Organic Growth on Social Media: 8 Tips
Aug 21, 2023

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How to Drive Organic Growth on Social Media: 8 Tips
Aug 21, 2023

Literature and writing have been two of my major interests since I was a teenager. However, this passion was solidified during my upper primary school years when I won several writing competitions– and that's how my journey as a writer truly began!

After completing my primary and secondary education at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya– Rajkot, I chose to study engineering. I graduated from LJIET-Ahmedabad with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 2015 and began working as a QA Engineer.

However, after two years in this field, I felt the urge to follow my heart and pursue my passion for writing as a career.

In February 2020, I started my career as a professional content writer with Huptech Web, where I was in charge of multiple writing verticals, including SEO blog writing, website content, social media content creation, guest posts, and more.

In July 2021, I moved to Appitsimple Infotek for better opportunities and to focus more on technical writing.

At Appitsimple, I am primarily responsible for writing and editing various types of content for their products—CallHippo (a VoIP phone system), SoftwareSuggest (a business software discovery platform), ZenSuggest (a company review website), ControlHippo (Shared inbox for multiple WhatsApp numbers), and DialerHQ (a virtual number solution).

During my tenure at Appitsimple Infotek thus far, I have successfully completed or supervised 750+ content writing, editing, and proofreading assignments with complete adherence to deadlines and quality standards.

I have also effectively managed several client projects, ensuring seamless delivery and 100% client satisfaction.

With a strong passion for learning and a commitment to excellence, I am always seeking new ways to grow and make an impact in my field.

I am eager to take on new challenges and contribute my skills and expertise to meaningful assignments!
