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Embracing Post-Traumatic Growth within HR with Rebecca Weaver
Mar 16, 2024
Podcast Episode

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Embracing Post-Traumatic Growth within HR with Rebecca Weaver
Mar 16, 2024
Podcast Episode

After 20 years in HR, I launched HRuprise when I realized just how much is stacked against employees, including the role of HR. (And I still think we should have more conversation about that in HR.) HRuprise is a platform that makes it possible for everyone to get their own HR resource.

I'm also a breast cancer survivor. More than that, I made it through chemo, multiple surgeries, and radiation during a global pandemic. In fact, it was my experience as a patient that inspired me to launch the HRuprise platform. I share this here because it's part of my whole story and there's no such thing as "leaving it at home."

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