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Hi, I’m Rhonda Bradley, freelance content writer and strategist.

I’m a musician-turned-writer who brings a unique sense of creativity and passion to everything I do, along with a keen eye for detail. I’ve been a full-time professional freelance writer since 2016.

As a content strategist, I help companies develop strategies that generate traffic, engagement, and conversions for brand websites.

As a freelance writer, that deep understanding of the marketing process is always with me. I write reader-first SEO content, in your brand’s voice, that connects with your target audience.

🔥 Pillar posts
🔥 Ultimate guides
🔥 Feature articles
🔥 Blog articles
🔥 Website copy
🔥 Landing pages
🔥 Gated content, eBooks, guides
🔥 Content strategy, editorial calendars, social media planning

"Rhonda is consistent and reliable. Most importantly, she always produces high-quality work and it’s apparent she dedicates ample time and research to each project she’s tasked with."
- Grayson Kemper, Content & Editorial Manager, Clutch

“Rhonda is an exceptional writer with a great work ethic. She is super responsive, easy to work with, and will help your website rank on Google. She was a big help for us at Minority Mindset!"
- Jaspreet Singh, Minority Mindset

“ We've never worked with anyone taking so much interest in what we do and how we do it. She's a great communicator. We couldn't ask for more!"
- Evita Bourmpaki, Friendly Stock

"Rhonda is an extremely skilled writer and a fantastic person to work with. Her communication was top-notch, she met all deadlines, and her knowledge of Google SEO is exceptional.”
- Sonja Crandon, CEO @ SK Pure Essentials
