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Pitfalls to Personal Branding: 5 Signs of Trouble

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‎Revenue Talks with Justin Keller: Don't Fear Differentiation | Sally Hogshead on Apple Podcasts
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Don't Fear Differentiation | Sally Hogshead
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Pitfalls to Personal Branding: 5 Signs of Trouble
The 6 Critical Steps When You License Any New Marketing Software

You already know how you see the world. But how does the world sees YOU?

How is your personality most likely to impress and influence your listener? Sally will tell you.

Sally's groundbreaking research into the science of fascination includes national studies with over a million participants. Sally can describe exactly how your own individual personality is most likely to persuade and captivate any prospect within 9 seconds. Based on her company's proprietary research, Sally created the world’s first assessment based on branding (rather than psychology). Unlike Myers-Briggs or StrengthsFinder, this doesn't measure how you see the world... it measures how the world sees YOU.

Sally's most recent two books were both New York Times bestsellers.

» The greatest value you can add is to become more of yourself.
» To become more successful, you don't have to CHANGE who you are. You have to become MORE of who you are.
» The world is not changed by people who sort of care.

Find out more at

After graduating from Duke University, in her second year of advertising, Sally won more awards than any other advertising writer in the U.S. and was called "the most successful junior copywriter of all time." By age 27 she’d opened her first ad agency, and created national campaigns for some of the world's most loved brands. She was described as an "advertising mastermind" who "changed the face of North American advertising."

Today, Sally applies her branding experience to people, showing them how to become more valuable, admired, and loved.

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