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Activating the data cloud for effective ABM strategies
Oct 25, 2023

My first job out of college was an inside sales rep. I was 22 years old making 100 cold calls a day to Fortune 1000 CFOs trying to convince them to manage their T&E costs with our software solution. I realized quickly I could get a better response by sending highly targeted emails to multiple folks in the top accounts in my territory. I would A/B test my own subject lines and body copy. I essentially created my own ABM strategy and personal SalesLoft cadence before those even existed.

While I had success, I learned I didn't like sales. I loved tinkering, trying new things, using data to optimize my approach, and I loved technology. That job propelled me onto the journey of wanting to work in digital marketing. However, before I landed my first digital marketing job I needed experience. I couldn't get a real marketing job so I started my own website, built a CPC strategy, developed all the content myself, and grew the site to 30K unique visits a month. I used this self-made experience to get myself a real digital marketing job managing social media and influencer marketing strategy in the early days before Facebook marketing became what it is today.

Fast forward 13 years, I've held several demand and growth leadership positions and have had the privilege to build and lead some of the best teams ever. My journey with startups taught me how to hustle. I was lucky enough to work with clients like HP, Samsung, IBM, and Verizon to improve their inbound acquisition strategies. I learned the importance of customer success and how important NPS scores and retention rates are.

I was lucky enough to land a job at Google and took advantage of every opportunity given to progress my career within Google. From incubating a new campaign team that delivered $1B pipeline in its first year, to driving product led growth strategies for early stage Google apps, to now leading global demand generation for a product that is loved by billions of consumers and businesses.

I have an always-on learning mindset and believe a good work ethic will get you farther than pure academics or experience. I like to hustle, I like solving problems, and I'm just getting started.

(The views and opinions I share on LinkedIn are my own and do not reflect that of my employer)
