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Revealed: Top 5 RFP Trends in CDP Evaluation
Aug 05, 2024
Unlocking Success in CDP Selection: 2024 RFP Trends
Aug 05, 2024

I never thought advertising would be something that would interest me. Commercial breaks were the signal to change the channel. But once I was exposed to the digital advertising world professionally, I was hooked. My natural curiosity and hunger for knowledge that has me reading any piece of literature I can get my hands on throughout the night applied to online ads as well.

Admittedly, one category of literature I'm unable to put down once I pick it up is sports news. I've loved basketball since I was a little kid, and can vividly remember watching early 90s games with a ball at my side. But while there is something romantic about the "eye test", optimal performance in basketball can be unlocked with data mining, not at all unlike advertising.

My passion is pairing data analytics with my interests. And my interests are many.
