Advice: A prospect is bad-mouthing me all over the internet. Should I fight back?
2 min read
Advice: A prospect is bad-mouthing me all over the internet. Should I fight back?

A few months ago, I had an unpleasant experience with a customer. He started out being cool but after we couldn't give him what he wanted (which was an unrealistic demand) he changed completely, cursing me out and sending a nasty email to my manager.

Since then, this person has gone on every single review site, including onto our company's social media pages and wrote nasty negative reviews about the company and about me specifically, singling me out by name every single time.

My manager and the company owner are aware of the issue and they say to just ignore it and let it blow over, but I feel like my reputation is on the line here too, and I want to get back at this guy for coming after me like this. Any tips for how to handle this. Lawsuit? Or should I find out where he works and do the same thing back to him?

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