Getting Back To Fundamentals on an Often Overlooked Growth Channel...Email! (w/ Ilona Abramova, VP of Operations at AppSumo)
Associated with
Matt Bilotti Matt Bilotti
Ilona Abramova Ilona Abramova
26 min read
Getting Back To Fundamentals on an Often Overlooked Growth Channel...Email! (w/ Ilona Abramova, VP of Operations at AppSumo)

Email. Decades after showing up as a core channel for brands and companies to communicate with leads and customers, it been making a bit of a resurgence lately as a growth channel. While (basically) every company does email in some way, and it's always been important, we're seeing companies and individuals build huge followings via newsletters (and even becoming acquisition targets as a result). In this episode Ilona Abramova, VP of Operations at AppSumo, breaks down the fundamentals around email: how to approach it, what works, and what doesn't.