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Strategic Leadership: The Power of Purpose
Aug 11, 2024
The Role of a Leader
Aug 11, 2024
Leadership Execution Excellence: Driving Accountable Teams
Aug 11, 2024

Fronting rock bands, I learned:

1. Show up early and ready to rock
2. Connect with the band and the audience
3. Deliver a memorable experience every time

I accelerate sales and maximize everyone’s contribution to more revenues through clarity of goal, message & role. I'm an expert facilitator, compelling speaker, and enablement master:

“Joelle is a natural accelerant. Add her to an idea, a product or a team and almost overnight you will see focus, commitment and results from her teams.”
- Raj De Datta, CEO, BloomReach


I increase the tempo of revenue growth using analysis, instinct garnered from years of success, and a compassionate yet direct style. My superpowers are simplifying problems and value propositions, aligning people, and streamlining operations to radically accelerate the cadence of execution and improve results, generating hundreds of millions in revenue and billions of market cap:

“Joelle builds effective, unflappable, all-star teams. Her favorite mantra is GSD (Get Sh*t Done) and she is warmly known as the Chief Unf***er of Things (CuFT).”
- Meredith Gadoury, Leadership Coach + Marketeer

Professional Highlights include:
- Prospecting, negotiating, and delivering the first seven-figure contract for Firefly Network (Microsoft)
- Creating categories to drive successful exits for Reactivity (Cisco), Adify (Cox), and Dynamic Signal (FirstUp)
- Improving sales productivity (Dynamic Signal)
- Introducing buyer enablement strategies (Dynamic Signal, WorkBoard)
- Launching a brand generating over 1500 unique press mentions (BloomReach)

My energy, focus, and experience unlocks possibilities. As the first graduate from the University of Michigan with an Honors degree in Organizational Studies, I am intentional and passionate about how to create environments where people thrive and businesses grow.


My leadership increases agility, improves outcomes, and reduces unproductive conflict. Managers using my methods create BHAGs with measurable milestones, first day memos, and have a focus on “top three.” They coach with clarity and compassion. My references provide a flavor for who I am and my impact on organizations and individuals:

“Joelle is a powerhouse. No question about it. She's the one you call to get things done, and done right. She can move mountains and still take care of everyone on her team. “
- Jonathan Sheena, co-founder, Natera
