⭐️ Aging Naturally with Clean Living ⭐️ Lifestyle / Wellness Author ⭐️ Public Speaker ⭐️ Columnist Pure Living Nashville/Elysian
⭐️ Aging Naturally with Clean Living
⭐️ Lifestyle / Wellness Author
⭐️ Public Speaker
⭐️ Columnist Pure Living Nashville/Elysian
[email protected]
Kim was the Fashion Correspondent on Good Morning America, and hosted shows, Ticket to Adventure, The Great American Healthy Kids Quiz, Your Mind and Body and more. She co-emceed Look of the Year with George Hamilton, an annual event used to discover and launch female fashion models in the international fashion marketplace. And was a judge for Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss America and Miss Teen USA as she recognizes what it takes to be beautiful inside and out. Kim has also starred in numerous commercials including RapidWhite, Citrimax, the Beef Council, promoting some of the most famous products. You can watch Kim as a guest feature on prime time shows such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Fox News, CNBC and DateLine.
Kim has written many books, both fiction and nonfiction, but mostly known for her clean eating eBooks available for purchase on Amazon. She is a trained speaker on women’s issues and a dedicated spokesperson for fitness, health and lifestyle products she believes in. Kim grew up an athlete and has never lost her love for fitness, as she has completed eight marathons and three triathlons and can be seen at numerous charity golf events.
Kim Alexis is one of the most recognized faces in the modeling industry. She has graced the cover of over 500 magazines, including six Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. More than just a model, Kim parlayed her good looks and passion to help women. She has broadened her brand to encourage women at any age to stay healthy and active as they age with a clean lifestyle and health and beauty tips she has learned over the years. She learned healthy boundaries and staying true to herself and became a passionate Christian believer as well as bible study leader.
If you would like to book Kim to host your show or speak on clean living and home products, fitness, Christianity, or the modeling industry, please reach out to
[email protected].