Pro Tips: 5 Considerations To Implement Marketing Automation Platforms
Posted Dec 7, 2023 6 min read
Pro Tips: 5 Considerations To Implement Marketing Automation Platforms

The cracks in your marketing automation platform may have been showing for some time. It's difficult to use. Your team uses tricky workarounds to bypass processes that aren't working. Or the solution includes so many features that getting the most basic tasks done is more complicated than it should be.

Sound familiar?

Yep, it's time to switch.

But switching can seem like a daunting task.

And staying the course with your existing platform is tempting, isn't it?

But you also know that the problems you're struggling with won't go away without action.

The good news is that switching marketing automation platforms doesn't need to be overwhelming, especially when you have tips on what features to look for and what to avoid. We've compiled our favorites to support you during the process of making a switch.

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